Charlie Daniels Band Performs for ACFE Attendees in Nashville

Charlie Daniels Band Performs for ACFE Attendees in Nashville

Each year at our ACFE Global Annual Conference, we ask the host city’s chapter to put on an event and donate the proceeds to support the Richie-Jennings Scholarship Program. When we first heard the Middle Tennessee Chapter was planning on throwing an event that was music-related at the 28th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference in Nashville, all sorts of ideas came to mind.

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Guest Blog: Spokane Chapter Celebrates 10th Anniversary with a Bang – Lessons Learned From an Unexpected Disaster

Guest Blog: Spokane Chapter Celebrates 10th Anniversary with a Bang – Lessons Learned From an Unexpected Disaster

When a powerful storm moved through the Spokane, WA area in November, the chapter's plans for three days of training were threatened. The Spokane Chapter team moved swiftly to ensure that their commitment to provide local training for CFEs was fulfilled despite the unexpected circumstances.

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