Chapter Awards Presented at ACFE Global Fraud Conference
/Each year, the ACFE recognizes local chapters that have gone above and beyond their mission with two awards: Chapter of the Year and Chapter Newsletter of the Year. This year’s awards were presented at the 25th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference in San Antonio to the Houston Area Chapter and the Toronto Chapter.
Ryan Hubbs, CFE, accepts the award from ACFE President and CEO Jim Ratley, CFE.
- The 2014 Chapter of the Year Award was accepted by Ryan Hubbs, CFE, president of the Houston Area Chapter. The Houston Chapter has seen explosive growth over the last two years, growing from 72 members in 2012 to more than 300 members today. Last year, the chapter’s initiatives included outreach to college students in the area, hosting the chapter’s first-ever two-day conference and the creation of awards to recognize local leaders in the anti-fraud field. The chapter also instituted a stipend program for chapter members who pass the CFE Exam and increased focus on community service through charitable donations, volunteering and by offering free resources to the public on their website.
Bill Vasiliou, CFE, accepts the award from ACFE President and CEO Jim Ratley, CFE.
- The 2014 Chapter Newsletter of the Year award was accepted by Bill Vasiliou, CFE, treasurer of the Toronto Chapter. The Toronto Chapter produces a newsletter that highlights comprehensive information related to upcoming dinner meetings, conferences and other events of interest to chapter members. The newsletter also features articles that provide readers information related to the speakers, their backgrounds and the topics they will be discussing. The newsletter not only provides information relevant to the local community, but it also features fraud-related articles that appear in newspapers across Canada, which make local newsletter recipients aware of developing trends across the country. Read more about the newsletter.
The awards winners were selected by the Chapter Awards Committee after awards nominations closed at the end of March 2014. Next year’s nominations will open in January. Congratulations to the winners!