ACFE Foundation Challenge Returns

Each year, the ACFE challenges our chapters to donate to the ACFE Foundation. Donations from ACFE chapters have provided significant support to the Foundation’s mission. Since 2014, ACFE chapter’s donations total more than $830,000! We are excited to announce the return of the Foundation Fundraising Challenge for chapters in 2025.

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Virtual Meeting Held for Wild Apricot Users

More than 20 ACFE chapters across the United States, Canada, South Africa, Hong Kong and New Zealand subscribe to the Association Management Software, Wild Apricot. This software helps chapters manage their membership, website, event registrations, and more. However, learning any new software can be time-consuming. On March 26, the ACFE hosted a Zoom meeting for all chapters that use Wild Apricot, giving them an opportunity to ask each other questions, provide solutions and offer best practices using the software.

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Chapter Branding Guidelines

Thanks to the efforts of thousands of dedicated anti-fraud professionals, the ACFE brand is associated with credibility, integrity and professionalism. We are excited to share that we recently completed the guidelines that our chapters should follow when using the ACFE logo. By adhering to a standard set of guidelines, chapters are immediately recognized as local leaders in the anti-fraud profession.

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