Virtual Meeting Held for Wild Apricot Users

More than 20 ACFE chapters across the United States, Canada, South Africa, Hong Kong and New Zealand subscribe to the Association Management Software, Wild Apricot. This software helps chapters manage their membership, website, event registrations, and more. This solution is a great way to simplify your tasks using just one tool.

However, learning any new software can be time-consuming. Your chapter may also be curious about how other chapters are using the software. On March 26, the ACFE hosted a Zoom meeting for all chapters that use Wild Apricot, giving them an opportunity to ask each other questions, provide solutions and offer best practices using the software.

We covered a variety of topics throughout the meeting. We discussed how chapters ensure the site’s sustainability as leadership changes, useful content that is typically included, purging contacts and more. We also talked about hiring an outside contractor for ongoing maintenance and management of the site.

Thank you to all who attended. The meeting was recorded, and chapters will be notified when the recording is available. If you have any follow-up questions about the software and you would like to get in touch with an ACFE chapter, please contact Joe Broccolo who can connect you with another chapter. Or you can email Wild Apricot directly.