Chapter Awards Presented in Baltimore
/Each year, the ACFE recognizes local chapters that have gone above and beyond their missions with two awards: Chapter of the Year and Chapter Newsletter of the Year. This year’s awards were presented at the 26th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference in Baltimore to the Maryland Chapter and the Houston Area Chapter, respectively.
John Grimes (left), president of the Maryland Chapter accepts the Chapter of the Year award from Jim Ratley, president and CEO of the ACFE.
The 2015 Chapter of the Year award was accepted by John Grimes, CFE, president of the Maryland Chapter. The Maryland Chapter is focused on providing excellence in training, senior and youth outreach, annual university scholarships and CFE Exam scholarships. The chapter’s 2-day Maryland Fraud Conference repeatedly sets attendance records and helps attract new members to the chapter. The chapter conducted an outreach campaign for seniors with the theme “Don’t be a Victim,” through which they provided counseling and information on the latest scams affecting seniors. The chapter also hosted a program for students called “Catch Them While They’re Young” to encourage and mentor future anti-fraud professionals and participated in university accounting fairs where hundreds of college students were exposed to the possibilities of a fraud-related career. The chapter also maintains fraud libraries in two local universities where students and chapter members can access a selection of more than 200 books about fraud.
Shawn Pickens (left), publications director for Houston Area Chapter accepts the Chapter Newsletter of the Year award from Jim Ratley, president and CEO of the ACFE.
The 2015 Chapter Newsletter of the Year award was accepted by Shawn Pickens, CFE, publications director of the Houston Area Chapter. The Houston Area Chapter’s newsletter highlights chapter programs and members, links readers with resources to help them combat fraud and helps chapter members stay connected and engaged. The newsletter includes sections with community news, a member spotlight and a kudos section, all of which feature the activities and members of the local community. An “ask the expert” section in the newsletter is written by a luminary covering a relevant fraud-fighting topic. The newsletter also brings information about the Ritchie-Jennings Memorial Scholarship and information on ACFE events to members.
Both winners were selected by the Chapter Awards Committee and chosen from among nominations submitted between January and March earlier this year. Congratulations to the winners!