Resources to Grow Your Chapter
/The ACFE works hard a to create a multitude of resources to help you grow your chapter. If you are not already taking advantage of these resources, we encourage you to go to your Chapter Administration page and see what is available.
To access the Chapter Administration page, please follow these instructions.
“I download the member list from the ACFE website once a month and use the information to reach out to individuals that might be interested in joining our chapter. This is a great resource to identify ACFE members that might not have knowledge of the local chapter. I also use the data for statistical purposes relating to our geographic region.”
One of the most important resources available to you is the Chapter Member List. This is a complete list of members in your chapter’s geographical region. It is available to a select number of chapter leaders, and includes all Associate and CFE members in your area, as well as their contact information, date they joined the ACFE and their certification date (if applicable). Using the member directory - which is available to all members and is different than the chapter member list - is not a complete list, as some members elect to not be included in the member directory.
You can use this list to market your upcoming trainings and use it to recruit new members to your chapter. Some chapters use the list to identify who has just become a member of the ACFE and they use it as an opportunity to reach out to them and introduce the chapter.
We also provide you the ability to post your upcoming trainings on the Calendar of Chapter Events. You can add an upcoming event or make changes to an existing event from the Chapter Administration page.
If you need tips or ideas on how to market your event, to provide support for students, or even for strategies for using sponsors, please take a look at the 2014 Chapter Leaders Resource Guide. It includes useful information provided by other chapter leaders to give you additional insight into growing your chapter.
Also, the ACFE can create chapter logos for your chapter that you can use on your chapter website, table drapes or even pull-up banners. To request your chapter artwork, please email This is an easy way to make your certificates or websites look more professional.
Visit the Chapter Administration page for many more resources, and we will continue to add more content as it becomes available.