Chapter Profile - Italy Chapter #115
/The ACFE Italy Chapter #115 was formed in July 2004. Two founding members of the chapter still serve in leadership roles more than 17 years later. The chapter currently has 11 members on the board that serves 130 chapter members. While many chapters had difficulty transitioning to virtual events due to COVID, the Italy Chapter used the pandemic as an opportunity to evaluate their existing processes and look for improvements. They made several key adjustments that yielded about a 50% membership increase compared to 2020.
Italy Chapter’s previous board and Ethics committee members
Adapting to the New Environment
Like many other chapters, the Italy Chapter did not offer any in-person events in 2021. However, they served their members and ensured would be in CPE compliance by offering about 20 virtual events in 2021.
Recent Achievements
Thanks to a website redesign and the reorganization of the board, the Italy Chapter has improved its processes and found ways to more quickly respond to members’ and non-members’ queries.
Italy Chapter President, Elena Farinella, CFE
They reached agreements with some important Italian organizations that have a significant number of employees involved in anti-fraud activities and are interested in participating in their courses.
They created a few committees that manage specific areas. One example, their Editorial Committee, includes members of the board and other members who select the best articles about fraud. These articles are then translated and are made available in the members-only section of their website.
The chapter's internal board meets monthly with the Executive Committee. The board also meets with members of the corporate bodies. This allows the chapter to increase the number of people involved in achieving objectives and checking the progress of their projects.
Chapter Recognition
The chapter would like to thank President Elena Farinella for her initiative and leadership through the pandemic and Chapter Secretary Adriano Bottazzi, both working full time for the chapter.
Recruiting New Members
The chapter refined several existing processes that improved their engagement with members and non-members alike.
They are efficient and quick to answer questions and accommodate needs.
They offered nearly 20 virtual events and improved their process of awarding CPE credits more quickly.
They involve members by inviting them to write articles for their website. Many members even add comments to these articles and further the discussion.
They continually invite members to submit proposals to speak at their events.
They push their members to create a local network of experts in various subjects.
They recently approved new rates for Students and Affiliates and plan to push these membership categories for 2022 recruiting.
Italy Chapter Secretary, Adriano Bottazzi, CFE
Future Goals
The Italy Chapter’s first objective is membership retention. They plan on showing value to their existing members and not losing any members when it’s time to renew. In 2022, they want to continue increasing the number of events they offer. Ultimately, they believe that if they can maintain their membership and increase their chapter opportunities, this will result in more members participating in chapter events and an increase in chapter membership.
Chapter Advice
Have a well-organized chapter board that involves all the officers/directors. Like the saying, “Communication is key,” with the new website and processes in place, it’s easier to promote the chapter and its activities to local members and highlight the benefits of chapter membership. Also, have a strong training department that plans courses on a wide variety of topics that are specific to the region.