Chapter Awards Presented in Las Vegas

Each year at the ACFE Global Fraud Conference, the ACFE presents the Chapter of the Year awards to recognize local chapters that have exceeded their missions. The 2024 Chapters of the Year were given to the South Africa Chapter and the Knoxville Chapter. The Chapter Community Service & Outreach Award was presented to the Middle Tennessee Chapter.

The South Africa Chapter is our Large Market Chapter of the Year. They serve nearly 6,000 members, including nearly 3,500 ACFE members throughout Africa, more than 2,200 affiliates and other student members. They served these members by offering 30 training opportunities in 2023 in several African countries, including South Africa, Namibia, Zambia and more. They also organized their annual 3-day conference, which had more than 1,200 attendees.

ACFE President John Gill and ACFE CEO JOhn Warren with the ACFE South Africa Chapter Leaders.

The South Africa Chapter leaders regularly speak at different universities and educate students about the ACFE and the CFE credential. They also offer a few students a complimentary registration for their Annual Africa Fraud Conference & Exhibition.

The South Africa Chapter also has agreements with several chapters across Africa. The South Africa Chapter assists in planning and executing events for the other chapter and its members. They also provide training for members in other African countries, where there is not an established chapter. They organize quarterly chapter leaders meetings for chapter leaders across Africa, to discuss challenges and to increase communication between chapters. They also provided African Chapter Presidents free attendance at their Annual Conference.

The Knoxville Chapter is our Small Market Chapter of the Year. They held seven training events consisting of both in-person and hybrid events. They hosted a 2-hour ethics event, three 1-hour events, one 4-hour and two 8-hour seminars. They believe it’s important to offer 20 CPE credits to allow their members to easily maintain their credential. They also helped promote other chapters’ events.

ACFE President John Gill and ACFE CEO JOhn Warren with the ACFE Knoxville Chapter Leaders.

By keeping event costs low or at no cost, they can meet the needs of their membership and community in a more meaningful way.

The chapter partnered with local law enforcement and conducted three senior fraud prevention presentations. They are also hosting similar presentations at a large local church. These engagements consist of educating elderly people on the dangers of fraud, how to recognize fraud and how to protect themselves from becoming victims.

The Middle Tennessee Chapter is this year’s recipient for the Chapter Community Service & Outreach award. They offered a variety of community service projects that benefitted the CFE community and local community alike.

The chapter raised $870 for the Second Harvest Food Bank. In early November, they volunteered their time by spending a night together packing food boxes for the hungry. During Fraud Awareness Week, the activities included promoting fraud awareness by hosting an online seminar and posting it on their site, social media and on their email blasts.

ACFE President John Gill and ACFE CEO JOhn Warren with the ACFE Middle Tennessee Chapter Leaders.

They donated $13,500 in scholarships to seven students interested in fraud-fighting careers. In 2024, they will increase the number of scholarships to eight recipients. They also donated an additional $15,000 to the ACFE Foundation.

These are just a few of the accomplishments these chapters had in 2023. To view their full nomination forms detailing their efforts, please review their submission forms.

Congratulations to each of the 2024 award winners, and thank you for everything you do to support our members.