Directors & Officers Insurance for 2024-2025

Directors & Officers (D&O) Insurance invoices will be mailed to all ACFE chapters beginning on September 3, 2024. To be covered by the ACFE D&O insurance policy, please remit payment with a check or contact Joe Broccolo to make other payment arrangements.

D&O Insurance covers claims against the chapter and its officers and directors for any “wrongful act.” “Wrongful act” is generally defined in the policy as “any actual or alleged breach of duty, error, misstatement, act or omission” committed by the chapter, or by an executive or employee of the chapter while acting in their capacity as such executive or employee. It does not cover any criminal or deliberate fraudulent acts, or willful violations of statutes or laws. There are also other conditions and exclusions contained in the policy itself. The policy provides up to $1,000,000 in sub-limit coverage for your chapter.

Please note that this is not a general liability or professional liability policy, so it does not provide coverage for bodily injury, property damage, defamation, invasion of privacy, copyright, or trademark infringement. The ACFE does not provide general liability or professional liability coverage for local chapters.

It is very important to remember that if you receive any type of notice of a potential claim, you must immediately contact Jacob Parks, General Counsel, at the ACFE headquarters in Austin, Texas. Failure to do so may result in the denial of the claim by the insurance company.

Invoices will be mailed to the address for your chapter. If no address was listed, the invoice was sent to the chapter president’s primary mailing address.

You may obtain your own coverage if you wish. If you have already procured D&O insurance for your chapter, please notify Joe Broccolo to cancel the invoice.